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Is a person who has an extra a on the end of there name. It's pronounced at (chel-see-auh).

Because the name chelsea is pronounced (chel-see)

The extra a always confuses people when doing paperwork and becomes a topic of small discussion and interest.

Often times when someone with said extra a goes out to a show where music is loud. She often says her name is chelsea instead of Chelseaa because it will often result in the new friend saying WHAT?

Therefore after time goes one new friend finds out her name is really Chelseaa, and once you know this it means your really friends.

Chelseaa is a beautiful name

Wow I thought your name was Chelsea, but it's Chelseaa? You tricked me! Lol but thats a really pretty name.

Now you know where real friends, my name is totally Chelseaa.

by Reallifedreamer February 23, 2016


Chelsea, A badass that gives no shit to what she does. Boys may like her a lot but she has one man only and she couldn’t ask for more then a hot good looking guy.

Guy : “Dang girl, You looking fine!”
Chelseaa “Piss off, I have a boyfriend”
Guy : “Dm me sexy”
Boyfriend : “Fuck off asshole”
Random person : “Dang I need a Chelseaa”

by LOVE ME BABY August 21, 2018

2👍 1👎