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Another form of "churning off", an intense form of playing with yourself while using butter milk as lubricant. Also used as "chernoffing"

Dude, 'scuse me while I go chernoff.

Man, my dad just bought a fresh bucket of buttermilk, I can finally see what all the rage is about chernoffing.

by Butthole Jones December 14, 2012

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


hott peice of ass that's a woman abuser and uses the word "woman" to get a girl's attention.

Ryan is a chernoff, cuz he always called his ex-gf "woman".

by dayhotshyt August 16, 2008

5๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ben Chernoff

A kid who smokes way to much weed and thinks his dick is so big even tho everyone knows the truth. pretends to be tough but is actually a pussy. Lies in every sentence. Gets away with everything. Some other names are โ€œbig niggaโ€, โ€œ180 lbs of pure pretend blackโ€

โ€œYo bro I met this cool guy last night, but it turns out heโ€™s a Ben Chernoffโ€

โ€œDamn bro that sucksโ€

by Gary_winthrope May 10, 2019

Taylor chernoff

Taylor chernoff is a celebrity

Taylor chernoff is so cool

by ๐Ÿ‰ November 2, 2022