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Exclamation used as a mating call on seeing a fairly decent fit lass.

Steve: She's not bad ...?
Dave: Cheung !

by mogg November 3, 2003

23👍 18👎


An asian troll teacher who fucks ur grade up

Be careful Cheung is going to inappropriately touch ur grade

by Cheunguls April 29, 2019

7👍 7👎


A Chin Chong Sir name stand for people that are fat and gay.

I'm a Chin Chin called Marcus Cheung.

by BaigyEggy February 19, 2018

5👍 20👎

Kaitlyn Cheung

brown-eyed, beautiful, funny, smart girl who makes weird sounds.

that person is such a Kaitlyn Cheung!

by beststudentever June 7, 2012

360👍 14👎

Jacky Cheung

The most talented HK artist of modern music.
He is the KING of the Four Heavenly Kings of Pop with his rich baritone voice and his beautiful songs. Winning over the world with his voice instead of simply his looks like other less talented artists, Jacky charmed his audiences becoming one of the most famous singers in East Asia.

Julie: I'm listening to a favourite song of mine.
Penny: Let me guess? Jacky Cheung?
Julie: He has classics that span decades. Best singer in my heart.

by Kerilyn May 31, 2006

35👍 8👎

Arse Cheung

She can speak Cantonese with an American accent

Arse Cheung: "你嘅閱讀要有input先會有output,咁呢份嘢呢其實我就通常呢form 4一開始就俾學生,嚇下佢啦,做吓嘢啦咁樣,咁呢我呢就er…"

by po11y November 8, 2022

5👍 1👎

Sarah Cheung

a liar.

Don't be like Sarah Cheung and be honest

by 2ria14 July 22, 2020