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Chocolate Turnover

The act of shitting in someones anus.

I'm going to give you a chocolate turnover tonight.

by BigEvil13 December 6, 2010

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Chocolate Turnover

(n.) When a girl is performing a handstand while simultaneously having a bowel movement and her lover is sucking out the excrement

Oh man! I have to go brush my teeth... i just gave the babysitter a chocolate turnover and now I have a funny taste in my mouth.

by Samrick Cody February 25, 2008

10👍 9👎

chocolate turnover

(n.) When a girl is performing a handstand while simultaneously having a bowel movement and her lover is sucking out the excrement

Oh man! I have to go take a shower... I just gave the babysitter a chocolate turnover and now I feel dirty.

by samrick cody February 23, 2008

11👍 6👎

dollar chocolate turnover

Slang term for a streetwalker in the Waterloo/Arlington area of Akron, Ohio. The nickname spread after a local fast food restaurant advertised a $1 chocolate turnover on their signage. One in particular, a reportedly transgendered person known as Darrina, patrols the area on her red hoveround mobility device.

Gunther had one of those dollar chocolate turnovers from in front of Arby's last night. He's lucky she didn't roll his ass and take his rental car.

by Captain Shocker February 9, 2011