Source Code


30oz Mug with 12" 1/2 diameter hose
Old Fashion Party Funnel mixed in with a 30oz Mug.

www.chuggler.com Where the party begins! 2 Drinks @ 1.75 sec.

by Mr. C March 16, 2005

268๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž


adj. A person who has intimate relations with animals.

Chris:I heard Dave licked his dog's dick for a dare.
John:What a chuggler!

by Inianrag October 18, 2008

9๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž


To hold two dicks(one in each hand) while jerking each off in a counter clockwise motion into ones mouth, flailing cum into the air.

You sir are a chuggler.

by Horseman Jaque April 12, 2013

21๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

chode chuggler

one who chugs on chodes; a douchebag, cock sucker, queer, faggot

Man, Dave's the biggest douchebag I know! He's such a chode chuggler.

by Jance McBrittle August 10, 2008

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Butt chuggler

A person who enjoys endulging themselves alcohol via a tampon stucked up their asshole.

Kid: I need not to get caugh w/ my breath smelling alcohol or else my dad's going to kill me.
Rapist: Relax kid, once at my place i'll show you how being a butt chuggler can save you from being caught up....*wink*

by dr_manian December 10, 2011

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Cock Chuggler

Also Chug Cockler.
A cock sucker. A derogatory term for someone, anyone really. A dick, a fucker, a fucking fuck, and the like.

A term of endearment among friends.

Dude, what a cock chuggler, total douche.

Hey cock chuggler, how the hell are you?

by PeteyPeter May 18, 2014

Noodle Chuggler

When a caucasion male aquires a small asian female(english optional) to obtain gratuitous amounts of noodles and a cornucopia of hot oriental sex

P, your such a noodle chuggler because because of your lady, G-He(names are insiders)

by J & C March 16, 2008

7๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž