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Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted disease. It make your pussy smell like rotten clams, and your pussy lips get hard like clam shells.

My wife want a divorce because I gave her CHLAMYDIA. Who cares anyhow. Her pussy stinks and she's really starting to chafe my dick.

by 38 Caliber Kimo April 3, 2003

113👍 46👎


Clamydia is a silent diease that you can get from a chickenhead, hoe, slut, dirty nigga, or just trifling person. There doesn't have to be any symptoms and you can have a test come up negative. You need to ask for a clamydia test. This is more common than you think.

Keysha went to the doctor for a routine check up and got std tests to be safe. Sitting a home with her man, 3 days later she finds out she got Clamydia.

by It can happen to you. December 2, 2006

61👍 26👎


What you could get if you're not careful when you play around with bustdowns!

Shenequa gave Daiquon clamydia, so now he goes with LaWiesha

by Anonymous April 4, 2003

22👍 43👎

clamydia beard

Uncut and unwashed beard, usually worn by italian intellectuals. About 10 cm long and will probably still have the souveneirs of the berares first oral experience.

- "Oh, so he was one of those good looking italians?"
- "Well... he would have been if it wasn't for his clamydia beard..."

by satunge September 7, 2008