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A gathering of rich white college kids with the intent of recreating Woodstock with embarrassing flower headbands and body paint. The music is usually of poor taste and for unknown reasons they make claims that this event changes their life in a positive way.

Allison isn't invited to this bomb ass party, she can take her spoiled ass to Cochella with that bullshit.

by WestBeezyBarney April 19, 2016

28πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Somebody that is cold and needs Sean van der Walt to warm her up

Eg. I am so cochella ryt now

by Vanderwalt June 4, 2016

2πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

cochella af

Stoned or high on marijuana

Wow that guys cochella af

by Idgaffyfnb April 2, 2017

cochella flu

the sickness everyone gets after coachella because they probably inhaled WAY too much dust.

damn that cochella flu gets me every year

by riding til i can’t no more April 22, 2019