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College students site, full of funny pics, videos, texts links and etc, source of fun when sank in boredom
(or when you need an excuse to stop working)

"CollegeHumor Almost Invented the shocker"

"those contests on CollegeHumor are weird, but FUN!"

by Leo Luigi December 8, 2004

290👍 87👎

CollegeHumor Show

A show on MTV started in 2009 created by CollegeHumor.com. The show follows a fictional day in the lives of the CollegeHumor workers and also shows a few original sketches that are on CollegeHumor.com.

The main cast is:
Ricky Van Veen (co-founder and boss)
Amir Blumenfeld
Streeter Seidell
Sarah Schneider
Jeff Rubin
Patrick Cassels
Jake Hurwitz
Sam Reich
Dan Gurewitch

I loved the new CollegeHumor Show on MTV and I totally remember the gonorrhea sketch when it was on the website too!

by Ice_Cream_Yum February 21, 2009

41👍 5👎