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A Corinne is very sweet, smart, funny, and lovable. She has a good sense of humor, different with every crowd, from inside jokes to innuendos. She is sweet, you can count on her to be there for you and do small favors like bake you cupcakes when you are sad. She is smart, can outwit almost anyone, including the smartest of teachers and is quick-witted to come up with a comeback, comment, or solution. She will stay loyal to you at all times. Do not, I repeat NOT, get on this girl's bad side. She could just as easily tear you to pieces as she could to your reputation. Her one struggle or flaw is not overconfidence, but it is that she would be quicker to drop everything and help others that tend to her own needs. It can possibly be a fatal flaw, so just cherish this girl while you know her.

Guy: yo dude i'm datin this chick named Corinne
Friend: you better be careful dude she's fragile. Keep her safe.

by Imseriousdude October 23, 2017

336๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


Corinne is everything you will ever want or need in a person. She is the prettiest of prettiest, smartest of smart. She will have you laughing for hours on end. Corinne is the most talented individual you will ever meet. Along with all of that Corinne embodies what it means to be a true leader. Corinne will never follow the heard; Corinne creates her own path in life. Corinne is the girl you sigh at and say, "I want to be her when I grow up." Corinne is divine in her own right. Corinne will always come out on top, because Corinne will always get what Corinne wants.

I want to be Corinne when I grow up.

by OhCorinna March 4, 2009

2244๐Ÿ‘ 447๐Ÿ‘Ž


Everything you want in a girl. She is very pretty with her light brown hair and beautiful dark eyes. She is very smart and has a sense of humor. She smiles a lot and every time she does, she lights up the whole room. She loves coffee, chocolate, and watching movies. She is a role-model to little girls and other girls her age. Any guy is lucky to have her.

That girl is such a Corinne.

by THEBESTPIANOIST28 November 10, 2011

276๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž


Corinne is really nice. She is beautiful as her name means beautiful maiden in French. She has dark brown hair, but even darker eyes. She acts different with every crowd and is willing to do anything for her friends. It is hard to earn her trust, but once you do you will trusted with a lot. If you break her trust then you are out of her friend group and it will be almost impossible to earn it again. She makes friends easier with boys, but she only makes a great connection with only one of them usually. Her heart gets broken easily and she gets jealous easily. If she is your girl then she will be super loyal. She will love you forever and never break your heart. She is the nicest person you will ever meet. She is really fierce too and will not accept shit from anyone.

Person1: Oh hey who is she? Person 2: That's Corinne. Isnt she pretty? 1: yea dude. 2: Just don't get on her bad side. She might break your arm. Oh and also, she has a boy so dont mess around

by skulls_n_roses November 18, 2020


1. to be of comfort, or sympathy.

"I need a Corinne hug!"

by Rin-Rin December 20, 2008

674๐Ÿ‘ 228๐Ÿ‘Ž


She is the prettiest/sexiest/funniest girl ever, she loves the spotlight, loves socializing, she is everything you would need in a girl. If you need any advice for anything, you must see her, she will listen to your problems and give you feedback. She is the most loyal girl you will ever meet, the realest of the real. Watch out though, don't get on her bad side... she's sneaky and shiesty! She's so silly, will make you feel comfortable and will make you laugh for hours! She will treat you how you treat her. A big head turner on the streets! Amazing in bed!

"Look at Corinne...She's such a Corinne!"
"I wanna be Corinne.."
"Look at him with that pretty girl.. I bet her name is Corinne!!"

by xoxoqueenxoxo April 14, 2010

370๐Ÿ‘ 123๐Ÿ‘Ž


A girl with outstanding beauty and a loving heart, usually with dark hair and stunning eyes who is amazing in the bedroom.

"Wow that girl last night was a total Corinne"

by Nick_998 November 5, 2008

918๐Ÿ‘ 356๐Ÿ‘Ž