Source Code

corner shop

a grocery shop ususally located on the corner of a street. the owner is usually called Mr Patel and the shop is open 24/7 the shop is open 24/7 because all of the windows are too expensive to replace once they have been smashed by neighbour hood drive bys and townies
the owner usually has a son called jay who has performed work experience in a Texaco garage. only two childern are allowed at any one time although they usually break the door down and raid the shop.

person1: yo u wanna get sumthing to eat?
person2: yeh lets go to mac donalds!
Person1: Fcuk that! why pay when we can eat 4 free.
Person2: True...lets raid that corner shop
kids walking by: you gonna raid that shop?
Person:1 FO' shizzle
Person3: Ok, let me get the 12 gauge shotty outa ma pants.

by lloyd's cousin January 12, 2005

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corner shop

A shithole excuse for a shop run by sweep sweepers. Only two childern are allowed at any one time although they usually break the door down and raid the shop.

Person 1: yo bruv get us a drink from shaaban's
Person 2: fuck that id rather drink my own piss than buy a drink from there

by lloyd January 12, 2005

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Corner Shop

A corner shop is a phrase (commonly used in Great Britain) for a typical shop that fits these qualifications:
1) Is on a corner
2) Raises prices of items.

Person 1: Man, I want sweets!
Person 2: Well, you're going to have to get them from the local corner shop

by Chramillson December 11, 2017

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corner shop crawler

teenager who thinks it is good to hang out side a shop being a twat

yo cunny commin down shop later for a drink yo
safe yo on you

by chudds December 22, 2003

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Corner shop

Where year 8โ€™s get their vapes and Lucozade and the paki shout at you for not liking curry



by Dave_the_dickhead August 10, 2022

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Corner shop

The shop where year 9s can get their vapes from without being IDโ€™d. Most Corner shop Bossmans either donโ€™t know that you need to be 18 or they donโ€™t care that you are underaged.

**Year 9 goes to the corner shop**
Year 9: Wagwan Bossman. Let me just get a Blue Razz Lemonade Elfbar.

Bossman: Sure fam. Thatโ€™ll be ยฃ5.00. Would you like a bag?
Year 9: Sure bossman.

Bossman: Will you be paying by cash or card?
**The year 9 knows that their parents can see all the transactions made on their bank account and their parents could possibly catch them buying vapes so the year 9 chooses to buy it with cash**
Year 9: Iโ€™ll be paying by cash, Bossman.

Bossman: Thank you. Have a nice day.

**the year 9 now uses the vape and makes sure to hide the vape in their underwear when they go back home so the parent canโ€™t find it.**

by Oscar31782 October 18, 2023

Corner shop

A shop every Asian owns Asian males lure hundreds of kids in to their corner shop and then they rape every one of them and ejaculate on every single one of them thatโ€™s how vile Asians are Asians are sensitive to they will try and take down this post because their feelings are hurt because Iโ€™m telling facts about them also Asians say stuff about white people but never to their face says a lot about Asians their pussies.

Asians love corner shops Asians are pedophiles and child molesters that rape little white Boys also Asians ejaculate in cats and dogs before eating them along with their smelly curry before going and molesting more white kids in the uk with their smelly poo filled butt hole.

by Scottishboi12346 September 19, 2022

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