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the latin word that literally means the body, or a body. used today in english words that obviously have to do with a body, or a whole of something. (ex: corporation, incorporate, corpse, etc.)

hoc est corpus miem - this is my body

corpus iacuit in villa - the body is lying in the house.

by asldfjdude October 6, 2009

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The act of gently squatting over a body.

Person 1: look at that dude passed out by the pool.
Person 2: I think you should go corpus him.

by Grizleydog March 29, 2022


These kids that scream run dingers in the halls.

"Those kids from CORPUS are always running around screaming "run dingers""

by CORPUSSS June 14, 2009

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Corpura are documents of texts that were used in the 1980's or so, The two main companies that made them were the Brown College and British company, LOB.

My professor was researching on corpus for comparing a language variety.

by Ken W. October 6, 2005

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Corporation night club. aka corp.. aka corpus

corpus t'night then shag?

by Jobie February 20, 2005

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north of corpus

A point that is five inches from the sun.

Referenced very briefly in the namesake song by metal band "The Last Ten Seconds of Life" on their album "Soulless Hymns released in 2015.

The phrase can be heard at approximately 27 seconds, and can be used to describe somethings general location if you are a person who finds humor in referencing music in day to day conversation.

"North of Corpus, Five inches from the sun! Spilling out at both ends
Feeling like a dead man"

Person 1 : "Do you know where I left my keys?"
Person 2 : "I think they are North of Corpus"
Person 1 : "This is why your family is dead -.-"

by jogroar February 21, 2015

Habeas Corpus

The right of habeas corpus is the constitutionally bestowed right of a person to present evidence before a court that he or she has been wrongly imprisoned.

The law just can't keep you locked up, execute you, or decide your fate without a determination of whether you've committed a crime or not.

Section 9 of the US constitution states - The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.

Since September 11th, Habeas Corpus has been suspended and the government has the right to execute enemy combatants without trial. They've also passed law that they can execute American citizens without trial as well if they are considered a threat.

President Bush and Lincoln are the only two presidents to suspend Habeas Corpus and it is still currently suspended under the Obama administration (2010) giving the federal government full rights to assassinate whom ever they deem necessary without accusation or trial.

by ImyoHuckleberry April 12, 2010

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