Source Code

Cough Syrup

If a man is getting deepthroated and he does not let the headgiver know when he is about to cum and, thereby spontaneously combusts a load of semen into the back of her throat so that she gags and sometimes asphyxiates herself, he is said to have "given her the cough syrup" or "a taste of her own medicine"

John was an agog tennis player. After he lost a painful match to a handicapped black guy he went home to his normally fawning wife. She was upset that he hadn't won his match so she wasn't willing to chug his cum conduit. Suddenly he forced her head down and made sure it went all the way down her throat, then he gave her the cough syrup, she was taken in an ambulance to the ER, and she died the next day due to internal bleeding.

by Eric Kazinsky November 22, 2005

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Kentucky cough syrup

a tasty drink, better known as a hot toddy which is comprised of hot tea and whiskey. Produces a very soothing effect on the throat.

I'm kinda sick and i have some jack daniels, think i'll make some kentucky cough syrup.

by oorah72 December 28, 2010

cherry cough syrup

Your worst nightmare. Because you take it before bed but you throw it up until you get the taste out and then sleep until your parents wake you up with more of it since you are still coughing.

Cherry cough syrup (ChairEE COFh SIRup)
Mom: here ya go u will feel all better!!!
Me: okay thanks

Me: *takes it and chokes to death but cough syrup flows out of mouth*
Mom: you have to take it!

Mom: *leans your dead body on your back then she dumps the cough syrup into your mouth*
Mom: all better.
Mom: *she dusts off her hands then walks out*
Me: *le still dead*

by UntilTheEndBB February 21, 2015

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ghetto cough syrup

An energy drink and hard liqour mixed together.

"After German had like 4 glasses of ghetto cough syrup, he made me smell his chode."

by Tayesha September 5, 2006

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russian cough syrup

Bleach. Will kill 100% of germs... and probably you. Only Russians in Soviet Russia can drink this.

In Soviet Russia, we fight colds with Russian cough syrup. Will kill everything, yaes.

by stravick August 14, 2017

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Chinese Cough Syrup

copious amounts of semen, usually resulting in a sore throat

"I can't really talk today. My throat is killing me."
"Sounds like you need to lay off that Chinese Cough Syrup!"

by partypete February 3, 2012

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grandpa's cough syrup

An alchoholic drink, usually hard alchohol such as vodka, whiskey, or rum. Referenced in the film "Dumb and Dumber"

"You boys been boozin'? Choking down on Grandpa's cough syrup, eh?"

by smik dog April 9, 2007

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