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Known as the city of culture. Mixed with loads of people from different ethnics. It does have many famous backgrounds the football team was good back in the day. It's had a part of film history recorded there such as the Italian job, nativity, world war 2 documentrys... Many more.

Coventry is a known area during world war 2. most notable for the famous city's cathedral bombing. Also famous for thy lady godiva. The city also full of university accommodation/ university students. It is like the old saying a concrete jungle. Has a very good mixed range of music taste you'll hear loads.

Now the city is also known to be full of chavs, Has a high rate for stabbing/robberies. High crime rates. A lot of drugs running around. If you are also from Coventry you will hate the ring road and junction 3 via m6/A444. The worst bit is it's known for areas fighting fighting each other. (Sometimes even at there own football games) yep there are alot of fights... but well that is Coventry you don't mess with them people. Also known for the chavvy accent. (Cov accent sounds slightly american/British/Chavvy mix blend to it) but not everybody is like that only a Coventry geeza. It ain't really slang all the time well depends on who you meet really.

Overall over all the doom and gloom can be a nice city not everybody is bad. it is a standard city on the upgrade.

Someone from Coventry normal accent
"Ey up mate what time is it"
"Ey up pal where can I catch the 13 buzz from"

Typical cov chav normal accent. Normally youth
"Yes then brav wat ya saying"
"Yo dat girl is piff ya dun know"
"Yo pass me the zoot fam"

"That geeza got lynched ennit"

Normal cov people bit more older
"Yes mate lets go fatty Island"
"Fuck me mate that was buzzin"
"You alright derick"

"You're looking pretty dappa"
"Omg mate that was sick not gunna lie"

"Ey up mate fancy going bull and butcher for something to eat."

"Hello duck"

"Need to go get some fuel"

"Catch you later buddy off to central 6 off with the misses to get some clothes"

by Gangster 1 of da best yet full December 22, 2019

12๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A city in the West Midlands. Some may call it a concrete jungle but its until you walk into the City Centre to see its a really nice place, the people are friendly and its actually safe to walk through in broad daylight (unlike Birmingham, Nottingham, Leicester and other areas in the West Midlands). Its true that people say we are a minority of chavs, but its true Leicester (a city with a similar population count) have more chavs living there. Home to an under-achieving football team and a poor Rugby team, but the best Ice Hockey and Speedway teams in the UK. If you wish to live in the Midlands, Coventry is the place to be.

Guy 1. Hi, where are you from?
Guy 2. Coventry, how about you?
Guy 1. Coventry? What a horrible place! Birmingham is better.
Guy 2. At least we can actually walk through the City Centre at 9:00am and not get shot...

by Coventrian January 14, 2008

287๐Ÿ‘ 121๐Ÿ‘Ž


A city in the middle of England. Everyone thinks its full of chavs and concrete. It isn't. Visit it before you make assumptions. Much nicer than Manchester or Birmingham. Coventry has the best ice hockey team in England. Footbal is rubbish though.

Out of Towner - I don't wanna go to Coventry!
Coventry person - I don't know why. Its cool.

by sparkletangerine August 22, 2007

148๐Ÿ‘ 103๐Ÿ‘Ž


Coventry is a city located in the West Midlands, England. It's not a bad place, although there is a large infestation of 'Chavs' which is why Coventry has been nicknamed 'Chaventry' But it's not Chavnetry at all, its just Coventry thank you very much. The indie scene has hit Coventry over the last year, and as you walk through the lower precient, a bright sight of high waisted, scruffy haired, polka dot wearing indie cindys will usually greet you. We like to think of Coventry as a place full of tallent, and we've got proof! The Enemy and The Specials are both from Coventry and are both really sucessful in the music industry. The indie scene of Coventry hopes to banish the Chavs still making the McDonalds look untidy.

mc shitter: "I iz from Chaventry, iz it."
josh: "It's Coventry mate, now please take you and your chav friends and go to Birmingham, maybe?"

by the annoymous kid August 8, 2008

59๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž


A cold and brutal concrete jungle classified as a city due to it's cathedral in the centre of England. Basically you don't wanna go there. Think of it as an English Kosovo.

"This place is a right shithole, where am I, Coventry?"

by Jojo Le Funk March 24, 2005

194๐Ÿ‘ 195๐Ÿ‘Ž


A city in the West Midlands where people who can't drive go to live

It took me 17 attempts to pass my driving test! Better move to Coventry

by Coventry drivers February 24, 2016

8๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


a township in Akron OH populated by a collection of white trash who ironically care about their looks more than anything else causing them to be dead inside with no personalities outside of making sure people know who they are. It's very closed off and isolated from the rest of the region because no one wants to socialize with an empty walking Jersey Shore imitation.

Bob: Man Coventry is such a shitty place to live

Jim: Yeah but at least it's not Barberton

Bob: Yeah well it might as well be...

by MrRational July 4, 2011

10๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž