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Czechoslovakia was a state that existed from 1918 to 1992. It dissoluted peacefully to form Czechia and Slovakia in a process known as Velvet Revolution.

Czechoslovakia is a general term to designate the area of today's Czechia and Slovakia. However, the history of the country and its formal names was vivid.

The term Czechoslovakia includes:
Era known as "The First Republic"
– 1918–1920: Republic of Czechoslovakia
– 1920–1938: Czechoslovak Republic
Era known as "The Second Republic", that was interrupted by nazi occupation (1939-1945).
– 1938–1939: Czecho-Slovak Republic
Era from 1945 to 1948 known as "The Third Republic" that was interrupted by the rise of communism (1948-1989), which is sometimes called "The Fourth Republic".
– 1945–1960: Czechoslovak Republic
– 1960–1990: Czechoslovak Socialist Republic
Era after the fall of communism after 1989, that is sometimes reffered to as "The Fifth Republic".
– 1990: Czechoslovak Federative Republic
– 1990: Czech and Slovak Federative Republic

A: "I'm going to Prague in Czechoslovakia next month!"
B: "No, you're not. Czechoslovakia doesn't exist anymore. Since 1993 it's two separate countries: Czechia and Slovakia. So you're going to Prague, Czechia."

A: "You're mean. I won't send you a picture of the Prague Castle. You know, that thing with with all the towers and stuff!"
B: "That's actually St. Vitus Cathedral, only a part of the Prague Castle complex.

A: ...
B: "I'll show myself out."

by MrGreg September 13, 2018

17👍 2👎


A former county that disbanded in 1993. It is now the Czech Republic and The Republic of Slovakia or Czechia and Slovakia.

I wish I could've gone to Czechoslovakia.

by alexjk2004 September 14, 2020

8👍 2👎


It is a non - existing country in middle of the Europe. It was separated to two states, Czechia and Slovakia in 1993.

Some American: Czechoslovakia is a trash poor country

Me: Jdi do prdele děvko

American: WTF

Me: Czechoslovakia doesn't exist blyat

by Matoslav the Czech BLYET July 28, 2020



Czechoslovakia is stupid. Therefore, don't go there.

by fartpriest January 23, 2012

12👍 186👎

Charles Chavez of Chinese Czechoslovakia

Someone who is impossible to locate, someone who is very illusive or simply does not exist.

Bigfoot is like Charles Chavez of Chinese Czechoslovakia.

You shouldnt waste your time trying to locate someone by the name of Charles Chaves who hails from Chinese Czechoslovakia because such person does not exist.

by Gheyellah August 17, 2006

25👍 12👎

Who is playing Czechoslovakia?

Who is using Czechoslovakia as a cover?

Who is playing Czechoslovakia?
Is it you America? Or could it be you!

by Astronauts training coach October 4, 2023

2👍 4👎


Czechoslovakia is a country that was around from 1918 to 1993. They consisted of the 2 modern countries Czechia and Slovakia. They were Communist from the times of the WW2 era to 1989. They are one of the many countries that were invaded by the Nazis in WW2. The country was known as a nation that wanted to divide during WW2, however under Fascist, then Communist rule, they were unable to split until 1989, but did not split until 1993.

"Hey guys, have you heard of the country Czechoslovakia?"

by Czecho_Slovakia August 3, 2022