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The act of touching a man's penis with your penis, if a foreskin is involved in the matter, it is know as docking. please see the "2003 References for Gay Sex" by Alan Richard for more.

guy 1: Hot damn, I didn't know Nathaniel was into D-link

guy 2: C'mon man its a lot of fun

by Beekmaster21 June 25, 2019


The act of wrapping a rubber band around the center of the shaft, creating two linked dicks, akin to a sausage link.

My dick is so sore from super raging d-link

by Yessirmessir February 27, 2016

D-link, Delink

To move away, leave ditch someone person.

"Weren't you with Peter?"
"Nah, I d-linked him"

by Lethal Splinta July 27, 2003

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