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When you're deader than the baby Ron
Desantis spoke of during the presidential debate.

Bruh, I saw this funny ass movie, it left me DTPB.

by Dead Myst August 24, 2023


1. Down To Pound Bitches ( Asians too)

2. Down To Pokemon Battle. ( Not official)

3. Or both at the same time.

Bro, DTPB?

by Davisidro July 2, 2012

3👍 1👎


When you’re deader than the baby Ron Desantis spoke of during the presidential debate.

Bruh, I saw this funny ass movie, it left me DTPB.

by Dead Myst August 24, 2023


When you’re deader than the baby Ron Desantis spoke of during the presidential debate.

Bruh, I saw this funny ass movie, it left me DTPB.

by Dead Myst August 24, 2023