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smart, ambitious, loves to take charge, he's a leader by all means. A family man, he will do anything for his family. Any girl would be lucky to have him he's a great provider. He's also a romancer and easy to fall in love the true meaning of one woman man.

Damarcus is the best hes such a family man

by Kim tucker December 23, 2016

108👍 17👎


The best nba player who gets mad hoes and he is not gay and his dick is the biggest if them all and the realist nigga ever

Damarcus is a goat

by DDTHELAZER May 2, 2019

18👍 7👎


Any loyal girl deserves a “DaMarcus”. Very quiet but doesn’t take any bullshit. Has the best head in the world. Best dick game in the world.

Girl:”I fell in love with DaMarcus quick😍”

by Real life ties February 24, 2021

1👍 1👎

DaMarcus tomblob

When someone wearing light coloured shorts proceeds to unwittingly shart blood bubbles from his farter. Unaware of this manstruatuon faux pas, he wanders around displaying a design which resembles the flag of Japan if you replaced the red dot with a cannelloni smashed by a baseball bat. Later you will find him lying face down on a bed, looking as if he’s just had his ring-piece destroyed by someone, who was at least polite enough to pull his shorts back up afterwards...

Does Big Geoff not realise he wandering around with a huge DaMarcus tomblob - shouldn’t someone tell him?

Nah I quite fancy pumping his bumhole later on anyway and there’s no need for him to change his shorts twice...

by elvi888 September 22, 2018

Dametrius damarcus

The definition is a black male that attracts stunning women

The definition is a black male that attracts hot women for example: Dametrius damarcus attracts stunning women

by ǝuǝפ October 20, 2023

Damitrius Damarcus Bartholamule james the 3rd jr.

Hes black

Oh daddy Damitrius Damarcus Bartholamule james the 3rd jr.

by stickstankstunck February 24, 2021

Damitrius Damarcus Bartholamule james the 3rd jr.

Im black, and your son pruit owes me some money.

OH DADDY uuuhhhhhh Damitrius Damarcus Bartholamule james the 3rd jr.

by stickstankstunck February 24, 2021