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He's a sweet charming guy who sticks for what's right! He loves humor, though he often does not show it. Though he may be weird... Super weird, he knows how to have a good time. Daegans are usually super hot! But he stays loyal if you are his girlfriend. Sometimes, he wants to make you jealous to see if you like him or not, and when he knows, he puts all of his attention on you!

Dawgan: oh my god I think I am in love with this girl

His friend: well, go see

Daegan: HOW?! oh... I know how

*Makes girl jelous*

Daegan: She loves me lol

His friend: Well ask her to the dance!!!

by Badboyfuntime March 10, 2018

35πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


1:A communist.
2:Something insane that can't be described.

3:someone with the ability to mindfuck someone.

Joe:Wow, Stalin was a real Daegan was he not?
Victoria: Meow.

Victoria is the third example of daegan.

by Ushanka the Russian Hat January 4, 2011

32πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


Daegan is the person that steals all of your jokes and thinks he’s is sooo funny even tho he’s not. He has a big vagina between his crotch and is very bitch-made

Who’s that pussy.
I bet he’s a Daegan.

by daddyshlongdong April 28, 2022

4πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Dirty Daegan

When someone snores so fucking loud on call that it makes you wanna squeeze orange juice into your dick hole.

Yo, last night I gave myself the Dirty Daegan. It burned

by ShrimpBallBaby April 26, 2020

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

daegan souder

The act of getting feces in your mouth due to a person shitting in it and having your mouth fucked.

I got daegan soudered last night, I still have corn in my teeth

by Tanner wood April 16, 2016

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daegan vs adria

adria is better

daegan vs adria!

daegan: i’m cooler than you :(
adria: nah.

by yellowcanary December 8, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A very charming handsome person who is very tall

Look at that daegan right there

by Johnnybravo69420 June 2, 2022