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A smart, funny, hot, sexy girl who cares for her love ones. As well as the most hard-headed girl you will ever meet. Not only does she care for people but animals as well. Giving the right chance she will be everything and more that you want.

Wow, that girl is such a daelyn

by demon-in-me December 4, 2011

141πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


A fantastic girl who cares to much about other people and bottles up her feelings and doesn’t let her emotions show.

That’s girl is such a Daelyn

by Eatraisinbran June 22, 2019

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Daelyn is a guy who is very talented and good looking . He is very kind, handsome,and very thoughtful he could be a little selfish he will take care of you when your not feeling well. He is very funny and annoying at the same time he cares about not only his family but his friends. He is very w.e.i.r.d. w-wonderful ,e-eciting ,i-intresting ,r-real d-different

Daelyn is a wonderful guy

by Nevaeh Sanchez February 19, 2018

23πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Sexist man on earth has a 12 inch long penis, pulls all the hoes.

Damn Daelyn you sexy as fuck

by dwvar April 5, 2018

13πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


a bad boy. >;) also know as dooka booty, lil dizzel, dae dae, and mostly my lovee ;)

sexy young boy that is a dork. but is loved very much by his hott girlfriend. he is a slow runner. he is going to be very tall when he gets older. (so he thinks)


daelyn is a bad boy as she is a good girl. :)

by daelyn January 11, 2009

30πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž

Daelyn Hoefner

Daelyn is the hottest being in the universe and some say she might actually be GOD because of her divine energy. To put it simply she is just better than everything else.

Man 1: Who is that Pretty lady?
Man2: thats Daelyn Hoefner she is a goddess!
Man3: God damn!

by The dictatonary August 25, 2022