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Very fun person to hang around with, SOMETIMES. She can have a weird side, and a bitchy side, and a sweet side. She has a lot of personalities. She loves having a huge friend group. She loves to wear makeup. Does not like to do school work.

Person 1: That person has a lot of friends
Person 2 : oh bet shes a Dagna.

by Zuleydi June 1, 2022


A word used to describe everything undescribable. It sounds much like a drunken man's babbling.

man: "what is that thing over there?"
Milo: "dagna, DAGNA!!"

by auntieryry December 5, 2010

7👍 5👎


sex goddess

1. jewish person says "OMG she looks like dagna!"
2. surfer dude will be all like "Oh surfs up dude. she's a total dagna. awoh yaee!"

by heneryyy February 19, 2011

6👍 4👎