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A really wild person with unknown attitudes. They likes to make others happy. . Their moods changes quickly. People around them are really happy when Dawt's around!

Dawt is a great person! She made me smile!

by Anonymousss namer February 10, 2017

22👍 5👎


When your so black your purple and you mate with a Person so white there transparent and have ginger baby’s while octopussy ur step dads mom while wearing crocs

That dawt is so swag. That’s why there’s holes in there crocs

by Crocswag May 20, 2020


Coolest dude out there and is the sweetest man you will ever meet. He may seem shady at first but you will fall in love with him.

He’s so sweet!

He’s a totally a dawt!

by Don’t@me May 9, 2018

2👍 1👎

Dot Dawt Daught

Used in place of dot dot dot which is used in place of "..."
It is used to express a fairly wide variety of reactions, such as that what it replies to is stupid, exasperating, or defeating. It is used in text conversations, such as message boards, chat rooms, IM, or Email. Using this form has gained popularity because if you line break after each you get a nice pyramidal shape, each line being longer than the one before.

Person one: Wait, Mario is a game?
Person two: Dot Dawt Daught

by Unz September 10, 2005

15👍 13👎

Dawt Chin Par

she’s the definition of hot. she’s funny and nice. she always makes me laugh. she’s a great kisser.

dawt chin par is hot asf.

by code1055 November 23, 2021

1👍 1👎

Dawt Chin Par

she’s fucking hot and funny. she’s like the definition of beauty. she makes me laugh a feel better. she’s a great kisser.

Dawt Chin Par is hot asf.

by code1055 November 23, 2021

Dawt Chin Par

she’s fucking hot and funny. she’s like the definition of beauty. she makes me laugh a feel better. she’s a great kisser.

Dawt Chin Par is hot asf.

by code1055 November 23, 2021