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A not uncommon disorder manifesting general olfactory failure. (You can't smell if you have this disorder)

OMG I think your house is on fire.

How can you tell?

You mean to tell me you can't smell the smoke?

I'm deeft you insensitive bastard.

Oh i apologize.

As you should asshole.

by Estevan September 28, 2009

21👍 3👎


deeft(ed) - when something is funny , or related to the word death , dead , die , or killed idrk

examples : jerry - "god john stfu you have more hoes than pubes , which ain't a lot "

sam - "omg hhaha deeft (deefted) "
example 2 : tyrone - " yo aj saw that one nibba talking shit about his sista "

jay - " yeah i saw , that nigga gonna be deeft (deefted) "
example 3 : jake - " have you heard that charli deeft (deefted) himself ? "

cam - " yeah man , it's crazy "

example 4 : rose - " hey i heard your grandma deeft (deefted) "

karen - " yeah she did , she had stage 4 cancer "

haha i told someone that i wish i was deeft and then idk what happened issa new word now 😎

by imagaylilturtle March 10, 2020