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COOL! -clap- Cool. -clap- Have you been REALLY bored recently? If yes, then WHY DID YOU LOOK THIS UP!?
Anyways. I respect you for that search. Probably no one will ever search this.

There is no sentence for "deji".

by JustAWindows10Fan January 1, 2022

23πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A youroba language meaning for
Your joy will come twice

I got two cakes because of my deji.

by Yt:GameIsFame123 January 7, 2017

72πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


When someone is being a fuckhead

your such a deji or keith is such a deji

by sh0ck_S November 27, 2018

76πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž


Often seen sporting a smafro, with a tendancy to be extremely clever and funny, whilst somehow not having a fucking clue what is going on. Used to describe the running of a ball out of bounds on a pitch. (Can also be used to refer to an astounding piece of flukey luck in online football competitions)

1. "Where's he going with that fecking ball?"
*sigh* "He's doing a deji" :(

2. "How the fuck did you get 200pts clear after zero weeks despite picking a player who no longer plays for that club (RONALDORONALDORONALDO)
"He did a deji"

by NineteenEightyFour January 26, 2005

70πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž


An african / british youtuber who has seeked popularity from his brother KSI. Deji has had a car accident, fought Jake Paul and lost and had been on 9.7 million subscribers for 6 months and counting making him the longest youtuber on 9.7 million subscribers

β€œDeji has kicked his brother out of his house” keemstar said.

by Hazillo March 20, 2019

259πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž


Also known as Comedy Shorts Gamer make me happy after destroying the shit out of that asshole jake paul He is the younger brother of KSI

Deji is awsome.

by FATNEEK JJ October 22, 2020

14πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A gay pussy who somehow gained 9m subscribers from YouTube by sucking KSI's (his brother) cock.

Jack:Look it's deji!
Patrick:isn't that the guy who fucked his own brother?
Jack:Yeah, it is

by Spread'em88 April 11, 2018

103πŸ‘ 123πŸ‘Ž