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a person who is being an ass or just plain stupid

person 1: haha i banged your mom last night

person 2: your being a complete deutscher right now

by urban123 May 19, 2009

8👍 29👎

BDSM (Bund Deutscher SchulmÀdchen)

Bund der deutschen SchulmÀdchen is the bound of the german schoolgirls in the third Reich. The definition originates from the unknown historian and profesional folding chair eater Kai Köp.

Im heading out to the BDSM (Bund Deutscher SchulmÀdchen)

by Enter Sandeinhorn June 6, 2021

heiliges kekistanisches Reich deutscher Nation

A term used by German Teenagers to express their desire for a better community

I wish I was living in the „heiliges kekistanisches Reich deutscher Nation“

by bakedmar August 4, 2021