Source Code

Dirty Secret

The best time to execute this stunt is when its really hot and you are laying in bed and cant fall asleep. Wait until a good case of swamp ass starts to set in. Remember, be stealthy as the element of surprise is essential.
Step 1: Slide your index finger along the top of your ass crack ensuring it is moistened with your ass dew.
Step 2: Ask your significant other if they want to know a dirty secret.
Step 3: Press said index finger against your significant others lips as if to silence them and whisper "Shhh".
Now this is your dirty secret to share with one another as the receiver will be far too embarassed to tell anyone about it.

I was sweating my ass off last night and couldn't sleep so I gave my old lady a dirty secret.

by Waylon P March 22, 2008

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Dirty Secret

When you wake up next to an ugly, fat, skank ass slut that looked like a supermodel the night before. Then you lock her in your trunk and drive her home so your friends can't see her.

Damn, I picked up this 250 pound girl at the bar last night. She'll be my dirty secret.

by D.A.Z. January 26, 2007

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dirty secret

When you are doing a girl from behind, you softly pull her hair back and whisper in her ear "I have AIDS"

I was getting bored of Christina, so I figured the quickest way to end it was to share with her my dirty secret.

by skimordie April 9, 2008

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Mr. Clean's Dirty Secret

He has a foreigner cleaning his house.

His smug smile and white eyebrows give it all away - Mr. Clean's dirty secret arrives every Tuesday and Saturday and cleans his house with Shamwow.

by daltonjfk December 17, 2019

Dirty Bieber Secrets

A blog where jb fans write about their sexual fantasies with Justin Bieber.It creeps the fuck out of any normal human being.

"Oh my god, JB will freak out when he reads all those DBS(dirty bieber secrets)

"Want to be creeped out? go to www.dirtybiebersecrets.tumblr.com

by Baladeaparis September 4, 2011

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dirty little secret

A song by the band All-American Rejects. Also, a name for a guy or girl that you don't want your friends knowing about.

Steve is my dirty little secret.

by ChristinaFL September 29, 2005

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dirty little secret

A secret that you don't want anyone to know but someone finds out about it sooner or later.

You've got a dirty little secret about me that I'd like to know.

by Christie Byrd November 9, 2005

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