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A statement that denies that nothing is wrong

Just a disclaimer, No ducks were ever harmed in the making of the duck songs.

by Johnny bob999988885555 May 10, 2021


I am not responsible for any emotional distress, abrupt sexual desires such as noc sth emission, daydreaming.. after reading my definitions.

Disclaimer: Definitions are written based on imagination, a playful mind, accumulated knowledge through observation and reading.
by Wanderlust ® November 12, 2021

by Wanderlust® April 19, 2023

6👍 5👎


and amazingly great band from New Jersey that you can check out at www.disclaimermusic.com

Disclaimer is an amazing band live.

by Kelly November 24, 2003

22👍 96👎


may also refer to the legalese term for "I'm washing my hands of this and whatever happens, or doesn't, may manifest as a result of this is NOT OUR FAULT it's all your fault.

"dude they stole my car! right from the parking lot and they have all this security!"

"I know, but look at your parking voucher, it has the disclaimer so it's not their problem."

by MintyLeila---not an Armenian person, but has Armenian friends-I love glendale! July 1, 2005

134👍 42👎


When used in fanfiction, a sort-of legality placed at the beginning of each chapter. It states that the fandom doesn't belong to the author of the fanfic, and is often written in a sarcastic way, especially after several chapters.

1. Death Note belongs to Ohba-san and Obata-san. All OCs and this plot are mine. Canon plot and characters aren't.
2. Disclaimer: Death Note? Lemme check... no, still not mine.

by rHeineken November 7, 2008

53👍 25👎


A warning issued on a nearly cashed bowl.

When smoking pot, if the bowl is almost cashed and you don't want to get blamed for passing the next person a cashed bowl, you can use the simple one-word phrase "disclaimer" as a warning to the next person that the bowl might be cashed. This is particularily useful when smoking with glass because there is no screen and thus the potential for the next person to suck through ash into their mouth Help from my friend Robb and Todd on making up and spreading the use of this word.

by Boat June 17, 2006

36👍 54👎

The Stegall Disclaimer


Codicil used by males prior to engaging in vaginal/anal intercourse with sorostitutes. This clause is directly used to relieve any and/or all future hopes of aforementioned guttersluts from pressuring said individual into relationships. Further, the male in said situation is absolved from all guilt stemming from palpation of the vaginal canal and/or anus on any given sexual encounter. Upon acceptance of the agreement, the sorostitute has no grounds to bitch or carp about the male’s absence of interest in her personally as well as sexually post copulation. The function of the agreement replaces the antiquated phrase “sex does not constitute a relationship” that is typically used in one’s defense after coitus. It is important to note that most experts agree that had the Stegall Disclaimer been instituted in our fathers’ time most bullshit that almost all of us have had to deal with at one time or another could have been avoided.

NOTE: The most integral and ingenuous part of the disclaimer is that it dispels the myth that the vast majority of women believe that they are “special” and “different” from all other “pieces of ass.” In addition, the application of this verbal contract vindicates a fundamental part of the male’s relationship slant – women are stupid and think that they can change men, but they are incorrect. It is important to remember that the use of the disclaimer MUST be clearly in place before the first penetrating act. Serious consequences will result if the methodology is applied AFTER “rearranging her guts.”

The Disclaimer was first implanted in the fall of 2003 and has since achieved overwhelmingly positive results. To the knowledge of all pundits of the clause, the disclaimer’s veil has not been pierced since inception.

*The Stegall Disclaimer does not protect against HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases.

Amy: “He’s such a fucking dick for screwing me and not calling this week.”
Pam: “But you said that he gave you the Stegall Disclaimer.”
Amy: “I know but…well…fuck.”

Zach: “You can’t just raw-dog your soldier through some chick and not take her out later.”
Ryan: “You are uninformed, my friend. I gave her the ‘ol Stegall Disclaimer.”
Zach: “You are a goddamned genius.”

by William Faulknerite April 13, 2009

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