Source Code

Don Zimmer

Can also be used as a verb meaning "to forcefully grasp an adversary's domepiece and shove them to the ground causing them to possibly roll multiple times like a fat roly-poly."

If that dude that's getting rowdy over there doesn't stand down, I might have to Don Zimmer his ass.

by SteezOrCrevice September 1, 2005

20👍 3👎

Don Zimmer

A obese useless blubber bag!

Pedro rox my sox man! He threw Zimmer to the ground and he just kept bouncing and bouncing and bouncing-----

by SoxRox June 24, 2004

34👍 15👎

Don Zimmer

Portly fat bastard, and former assistant coach of the world's most hated team. Used as a bowling ball by the great Pedro. Looks like Jabba the Hut.

I hope I never end up looking like Don Zimmer.

by Gary April 23, 2004

24👍 13👎

Don Zimmer

Fat fuck that has do to with the New York Yankees; looks like a fat bowling ball

I fell in love with Pedro Martinez after he slammed Don Zimmer's head to the ground

by This Is Not Meg July 24, 2004

17👍 10👎