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double sunday

Getting drunk Friday and Saturday night, then waking up to an exceptionally powerful hangover on Sunday.

Sorry son, I can't father you very well because I'm suffering from a double Sunday.

by The Fingers September 1, 2015

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Double-chin sunday

The last day of a week, sunday, when you get ready for next week and dont do anything. You eat so much fatty, unhealthy foods with an inttent to grow a second chin within a day

John: Got any plans for today Jamie?
Jamie: I'm gonna eat Ben and Jerries for breakfast, later order a pizza and watch Netflix all day
John: me too, lets have a double-chin sunday

by JohnnyBigGuns December 2, 2018

The Sunday Double

The Sunday Double is a surprise sex attack that happens on a Sunday during a double shift at work.

Jen and Eric are going in the freezer for The Sunday Double.

by swaggiegod420 February 11, 2014

double chin sunday

It's like selfie Sunday only the selfie has to be featuring a double chin. It's self-explanatory.

"Let's take a double chin pic for double chin Sunday!"

by Godthegoon January 12, 2015

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Double Sunday

Where you call off on Monday thereby creating a second Sunday.

This job makes me want to take a double Sunday.

by koaguilds December 15, 2020