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the queerest middle school in bo-co (baltimore county) with the COOLEST KIDS. better than ridgly kids and cockeysville kids. way hawter, not as lame and do more drugs.
god love them, because THEY KICKASS.

oh my god, those dumbarton kidz are so effin crazy and hardcore! why cant we be as cool as them?!

by seamen! May 2, 2005

68πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž


Dumb Barton ( Named after a town in Scotland) A Dumb ass , fool, clown, Someone who would try to do stupid things.

You "Dumbarton" KC , you cant go sky diving in a wind tunnel !

by Jockney July 1, 2009

16πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


It's the elite of dumb, or rather alumnus, which some consider the perfection of stupidity, to surpass what some only refer to as 'full retard'. To become a Dumbarton, you must throw away any concept of brain activity, even having the ability to read this sentence makes you exempt from reaching the status of Dumbarton. Once anointed as a Dumbarton you become part of a brotherhood, with the benefits of; no responsibility for one's self or decision making skills, a secured spot on the autism spectrum, never hindered to ever utilize a toilet, and the mutant ability to have all your mistakes be considered accidents by all of law enforcement and society.

If not born a Dumbarton, you must be a graduate from the school. The entry level education accepts head trauma or severe drug overdoses, but not limited to those who were home schooled. It is possible to fake being a Dumbarton, but once done you cannot break character, in which our alumni with retard strength are assigned to beat you in public, similar to gangs, until you reach the proper amount of brain damage to correct your flaws of not being an authentic Dumbarton.

While we respect other organizations such as; The Church of Scientology, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and The Westboro Baptist Church, we do not associate with them. They're religious groups, so don't be a Dumbarton and assume we have anything to do with that shit.

Dumbarton Professor: "What's the first rule of being a Dumbarton?"
Recruit: "Uhh..."
Dumbarton Professor: "You've got potential kid!"

by TheWorldFamousIC December 18, 2016

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Dumbarton Complex

Any dumb person who thinks that Dumbarton translates to being "dumb."

Jessica refuses to live in Dumbarton because people might think she is dumb. Oh boy, she has DUMBARTON COMPLEX.

by Cyclonetrading July 7, 2021

60πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

dumbarton supporter

A failed Clydebank supporter. Fat, ugly and very stupid.

Q: Hey Paul, what is Graham?

A: He's a dumbarton supporter.

by DmanPedo90 November 29, 2010

10πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

dumbarton girls

the most popular girls in your school even though they don’t go there. signature is oversized tees and sports shorts with high nike socks and nike air force 1s and a messy bun. plays lacrosse and is loved by all boys. never answers snaps but somehow has a really high snap streak. these girls usually go to dumbarton middle school in baltimore md but some girls who don’t go there are still classified as a dumbarton girl. if they’re blonde, it’s fake and definitely bleached every 3 weeks. if you have a boyfriend, every dumbarton girl has snapped him before you did.

boy 1: i’m talking to this girl from dumbarton

boy 2: what? who is it? mia? kate? abi? maia? tess? kamora?

boy 1: no but she’s SUPER HOT and is friends with all of those dumbarton girls.

by ensuwhwjdheaabcjen March 20, 2022

Harry Dumbarton

Someone who can't edit anything other than doors

Oh my god that kid is such a Harry Dumbarton(bot)

by Can edit anything other than d July 2, 2019

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