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deceitful, treacherous, liar

Don't trust Top Smith from training he is a duplicitous mother fucker. His documents are usually false too.

by the theda;sld April 27, 2017

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Given to or marked by deliberate deceptiveness in behavior and/or speech. Trickery, two facedness, purposeful deception.

"You are a duplicitous homo sapien" said Zo'or to Agent Sandoval.

by OneBadAsp November 2, 2006

67πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

Duplicitous snake

People who pretend they love you; badmouth you to those close to you behind your back; ruin your life whilst apologising for doing so; keep saying they want to break up but refusing to leave when you try to get them to. Synonyms: Bjorn Peter Alan; Russell

Do not be a duplicitous snake to her!

by Opsq November 2, 2023


Trickery or with an intention of misleading. Often associated with back-stabbing or treacherous behavior.

β€œWatching him drink that water you put cheese, paper, and a pen in is such a duplicitous move!”

by jaydent August 24, 2022