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Eero is generally a G. He's made some mistakes in his life, but it's made him better. He's very kind, smart, good looking and dreamy. Usually has lots of hair, and a good jawline.

Eero also falls hard for girls, if he likes you, he truly believes you are the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. Also, he loves physical admiration, hugs, kisses, and cuddles. If you're wanting to do something, just ask, he's very accepting and willing to try out new things

Of finnish origins

"Hey have you guys seen Eero? He's so cute!"
"Eero is the best spooner I've ever cuddled with. I'm so lucky to have him"

by GooglyEyedLizard January 20, 2021

23πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Is often a brown boy who is amazing at art and is very attractive. He also plays a load of video games


by Dabby boi March 28, 2019

25πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


friends with a Niko, is a great artist and his instagram handle is @its.a.art.knock.life . He also is amazing at video games and has a brother and dog.

He has brown hair and brown eyes, and is hindi, and is a GOD WHO CAN JUST BLINK TO DESTROY YOU.
his name is also finnish

Oh my god its Eero, we must bow down to our mighty lord.
Praise Eero!!!

by boi boi boi boi boi boi boi April 8, 2019

11πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Eero is a cutie.
He is a sweet boy who sometimes acts catlike.

Person 1: look at that teenager getting pet like a cat
Person 2: aw. What an Eero.

by That CEO April 30, 2013

57πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž


First thing that comes to mind: Vegan, although we wish he'd shut up about it, he calls approximately every two minutes. Extremely decisive and often referred to as the mathematical mountain goat.

We know you're a vegan Karen, stop being a fucking Eero about it

by Vultures pwn zerglings May 24, 2019

3πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Eero Heinonen

Bass guitarist in Finnish band The Rasmus. Has a penchant for Granddad jumpers, short trousers, sandals and Sahaja Yoga. A loveable guy.

To get Eeroed is when a nice person gets hit by carelessly thrown objects in the eye at a festival.

"ohmygod it's Eero doing Yoga in the Park!"

"Owww I just got Eeroed!"
"Damn someone just Eeroed Gemma!"

by Clare September 5, 2004

17πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


A piece of shit app that your fuckhead parents use when they don’t want you on ur phone. It is such a pain in the fucking ass as it can be done randomly to any device connected to ur Wi-Fi. If you want to become a deadbeat dad this is a great first step as ur children will no longer love you ass you have become a fucking loser taking ur children off the internet. Also it is so simple to use as it can be put on a fucking iPad for fucks sake. So remember parents become the person you hate and download eero now.

Say ur about to finish that level in some video game u have have been sweating ur ass off and once ur about to finish it that cocsucking mother fucking app Eero kicks in and all ur progress is lost.

by James big pimpin Kummerow June 2, 2024