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Enger is the type of person who intimidates you at first. They might have a hard facade put up and this might drive people away. Once you get to know him/her you won't be able to let go. Their energy is unmatched. Enger is a powerful person.

Enger is the most Amazing person!

by PATRICHERRR November 23, 2021

4👍 1👎

chem enger

A complete retard/goon. Usually put through immense amounts of stress through life, and often develop a nervous limp, balding, and general spazness over the years.

look at that clown, he must be a chem enger

by goonio May 8, 2005

4👍 12👎


To be a dickhead or ugly and up yourself.

Hey John , that guy is engers.

by bigapples August 3, 2007


enger is like a person would get mad at anyone who gets him mad.like if u get him mad he will punch you or smack you

enger is so ugly bro becarefull if he hears that you said that he will punch you

by vlucti May 4, 2022