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A name for a relationship built on respect, care, truth, honor and communication; relationship driven by the hope for freedom of relations; an example for all teenagers to follow.

Originated from the words Erin and Sabin; "ER" from Erin and the "BIN" from Sabin.

(The Erbin effect is strong and filled with love.)

"Yo me and my girl is soo Erbin, we got this forever and ever thing goin on!"

by SmjEmg March 5, 2008

28👍 10👎

Erbin dickshinary

The retarded form on urban dictionary.

I lak erbin dickshinary

by I'm da bezt fool July 4, 2017

8👍 1👎

erbin ditchinery

The royal British encyclopediae of hip new young-people words.

Fiona: I heard nube is a word now it is!

Edna: No, honest?

Fiona: Oh but i read it in the erbin ditchinery(tm) i did so it must be true!

by inyourface-interface April 9, 2009

5👍 2👎