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A guy with a small dick that will pleasure any girl
sweet romantic and will do everything to be with the one he loves

Guy : wow look at how much he loves Anna
Girl : Yeah he is such a Erhes

by Erhesisnothot November 22, 2021


A sarcastic tone used to belittle one's reputation, usually directed at the egotistical, immature or overdramatized type of person. This word is best used in the spur of the moment type scenario when encountering such a person mentioned above.

Scenario 1:
When talking to a person bragging about their achievements in life...
"Erh, look at you." (Meaning not one singular life form on this earth cares about your success, nor existence for that matter)

Scenario 2:
Someone acting like a low class citizen by swearing or picking a fight with someone, when the issue can clearly be resolved in a more civilized manner...
"Erh, take a look at yourself." (Meaning they're making such a fool out of themself, that it would be detrimental to associate yourself with the person any longer.)

Scenario 3:
Witnessing someone acting overconfident to impress a certain group of people...
"Erh." (Meaning they just deserve a good, old-fashioned erh.)

by Swade DC November 24, 2013

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A high school with zero respect for teachers and authorities. The students are all basically helpless pieces of trash.

Eww, She attends ERHS?

by Pookingturd69 January 3, 2018

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A school filled with red neck wannabes and potheads, everyone there smoked weed, and the girls are so fucking petty, @a.d.s. , and all the boys are mediocre looking with some hot ones, but everyone there has chlamidia Bc I fucked so many people that fucked others since then and I have chlamidia so congrats you STD having asses

Ay bruh why do I got chlamidia
-ahh bruh don’t tell me you fucked an ERHS chick, all them bitches and niggas got that bruh

by Ya main bitchhhh April 14, 2019


a response used as I do not want to and No

Peter: Hey do you want to go canoeing
John: Erh-shma its raining

by ja-ha April 30, 2009

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Pu-erh Tea

A type of black tea that has been fermented for X amount of years. Usually smells like earth and forest, with a sweet aftertaste. Comes from China. Highly addictive. Uses: stomach aliments, hangovers, digestion, energy.

Is possible to get tea drunk from this tea.
Tea drunk has same side effects as drunkness, but without the loss of brain functions.

Spelling and pronunciation issues ensue with this tea. Is usually pronounced either pu-erh, with erh sounding like air. Or Pu-er with it pronouned ar, like a pirate.

Usually comes in cake form.

Jamie and I got tea drunk after three pots of Pu-erh tea.

by puerhlover September 24, 2008

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