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A boonie town in northeast Minnesota. All there is to do there is school sports, drinking, drugs, and driving around.

Esko, Minnesota is the uppity asshole of Carlton County.

by GooberKo January 9, 2009

53👍 24👎


to steal, or snatch with a quickness.

dix-"that nigga esko'd my car!"

rene'-"i'ma esko that bitches nigga."

"where you get them stunnas"
"oh i esko'd these at school today.

by drsehs January 10, 2009

18👍 12👎


Esko is someone who is really cool. Someone you just want to be around and hang out with. He's a mysterious cat, that keeps to himself. He doesn't listen to authority much, just does whatever he wants. Usually has colored eyes.

1st person: Yo, y'all seen Esko?
2nd person: nah fam, haven't seen that cat in a minute

by Pointdex October 24, 2019

8👍 6👎