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A member of a civilization that possibly originated on the island of Lemnos and conquered the fertile lands of Northern Italy, growing into a great seafaring and agricultural nation in the process.

They invented many devices we see as Roman, such as the aqueducts, Roman roads, and even the Roman sword designs.

A theory asserts that the Etruscans conquered their way through Northern Italy and divided the Italo-Celtic civilization, leading to the development of the Italiotes and the Celts.

The average Etruscan was a member of a very influential and underrated civilization.

by Archduke_Louis May 23, 2020

7👍 1👎

The Etruscan Fuck


"My wife just would not give it up last night. I had to give her the Etruscan Fuck."

by AirFrancis October 14, 2011

3👍 3👎

Boar Vessel 600-500 BC Etruscan Ceramic

The best meme ever created

Hey, check out my Boar Vessel 600-500 BC Etruscan Ceramic

by BoarVesselLover July 19, 2018

12👍 1👎