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Quickly; speedily; rapidly.

23yrold3yrold is a name that is difficult to type fastly.

by Voice of Tango December 18, 2003

53👍 60👎


An archaic word for "fast," which is not used anymore.

The adverb of "fast" is "fast." Fastly is wrong.

by WildMass October 11, 2022

1👍 3👎


Fastly means to go fast and quickly.

An example would be "STEPHANIE, ARE YOU DRAWING YOUR CARROT FASTLY?". Technically, fastly is not a correct/real word, it is more grammatically correct if you say "STEPHANIE, ARE YOU DRAWING YOUR CARROT FAST."

by PotatoeTomatoe June 21, 2023

2👍 1👎


To go very fast

Sonic goes very fastly

by Fastly April 21, 2018

6👍 7👎


To move with grate freaking hast!

That robber is moving fastly.

by broke artist April 21, 2011

13👍 26👎