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Fuck it off

The term 'Fuck it off' is a more forceful way of telling someone to get rid of something, or to stop doing something.

One can use a 'he' or 'she' instead of 'it' if need be.

Example A:
A waitress approaches John's table.
Waitress: Are you finished with your burger, sir?
John: Yeah, fuck it off.

Example B:
John is playing Mary a new song he composed.
John: So what did you think of my new song, Mary?
Mary: I didn't really like the breakdown. Fuck it off.

Example C.
Michelangelo is showing DaVinci his artwork, the Statue of David.
Michelangelo: Do you like my sculpture, DaVinci?
DaVinci: It's terrible, fuck it off.

by macvillian September 29, 2011

42πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Fuck Right Off

It still means fuck off, but it’s a fuck off on steroids with its fists clenched, eyes staring and a snarl on its lips. But that’s not the end of it, you can be told to β€œ most definitely fuck right off”, where in addition to staring and snarling with its fists clenched sweating and trembling with anticipation for the tiny trigger that will let it rip your head off and shit down your neck. There are numerous other variations until you are told to β€œmost fucking definitely fucking well fuck right fucking off”. If this sound incoherent it’s because it is; you are now faced with a berserk, ninja vampire with titanium talons and diamond teeth who is a hairsbreadth away from howling chaos and the total destruction of you, your family and all your ancestors so that you become not even a memory.

If anyone rejects this definition, they can fuck right off.

by AKACroatalin April 26, 2015

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fuck the fuck off

When you are really pissed off at someone and a regular "Fuck Off" won't do. This amplification of it is a good expression to use.

Hey Bill, why don't you just fuck the fuck off.

by rusty69 October 15, 2013

114πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

fucking pissed off

Extraordinarily angry. Can be triggered by traumatic events that disrupt your most basic sense of self worth such as getting fired, getting raped, losing a loved one. If you are emotionally unbalanced like me this can be caused by events as trivial as being cut off in traffic, or getting a B on your final exam.

If you want to start shooting random people in the face with a nail gun you are probably fucking pissed off.

by Dave griffin February 25, 2006

82πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

fucked him off

Aussie slang for cutting someone out of your life

Jerry was being a complete knucklehead to John so John fucked him off and ended their friendship right then and there

by AnonymousAustralianGuy October 2, 2021

Fuck someone off

A very American way of saying "piss someone off" because fuck makes everything sound American.

I think Roger's trying to fuck someone off!

by Matt_The_Anime_Man January 3, 2021

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Fucks Me Off

A shortenened form of the phrase "fuckin pisses me off". Usually said when the user is so pissed that they forget to say the word pisses which adds to the vulgarity of the phrase which in turn, emphasizes the anger of the user.

Passenger:Hey that guy in the yugo just cut you off and now he is giving you the finger.
Driver:That really fucks me off. Hand me my gun.
Joe:Dude that sucks that your new car just got keyed.
Steve: Yeah that really fucks me off.

by smh8885 August 30, 2007

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