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Commonly used as the word for face in Italian. Has become slang to mean ones whole essence or being, excluding the butt (aka anti-fach)

Move your fachi.
That girl has an ugly fachi.

by Marlena Griffin January 31, 2004

4👍 10👎


A man who experiences sexual arousal only when he sees a buffet.

She said, "I knew he was a Fachie the day he told me he loved food more than me... What a rotten anniversary..."

by Banksy of Scotland March 25, 2016


Fachie is a word which describes a female psycho whom loves destroying peoples lives with their ironing board like body and massive head.

She was such a fachie

by Meggit November 24, 2019


Fachi is a name meaning 'long gone' or 'too far gone', Fachi is a legend of a fox that was blinded by the untruth and was guided too far gone from its former self, or a fox that was out smarted and to be gone from its former self

"She should be nicknamed Fachi because she was lead away from herself"
"I call her Fachi since she was tricked to be lead too far"

by User_404_t July 1, 2021

straight to the fachi

fachi is the italian word for face. and the action of putting something ‘to the face’ means to take a big fucking shot of booze.

Dude 1: “Yo, you really gonna take that shot of absinthe?!”

Dude 2: “Straight to the fachi!”

commence the shot.

by scrotumsoldier September 6, 2023