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Fake news that seems to be factual; but is actually fictitious.

After this crazy year I have started believing that almost everything is FACTITIOUS.

by Major Thomas March 9, 2018


Of, or relating to made-up "truths", pulled out of your ass and delivered as gospel to the unsuspecting. (Similar to what Cliff Clavin of "Cheers" was famous for.)

"Women who breast-feed at least one child to the age of one year have a 32%statistically higher chance of having breast cancer than those who don't" is a factitious statement.

by Craig Hartley December 3, 2003

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factitious fever

Fever that is produced artificially by a patient. This is done by artificially heating the thermometer or by use of pyrogenic substances and is suspected if the pulse rate is much less than expected for the degree of fever noted.

The patient is suspected to have factitious fever.

by Zateina December 22, 2020