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A Fembo is the female counter part of a Himbo, which is a replacement for Bimbo because that term is rather derogatory. Fembos are very nice, but not very smart. Fembos are usually built either busty, or more muscular, like a Himbo.

Person 1: “Wow, Mina is really nice!”
Person 2: “Yeah, but she isn’t the brightest, considering the fact that she’s a Fembo.”

by October 3, 2020

26👍 6👎


Informal name for a feminist, particularly a feminist of misandrous (hatred of men) and extreme views.

Man: Hey, look at that Fembo over there!
Female: All men deserve to die because...

by Spoofnet February 7, 2006

30👍 41👎


When a lesbian is more feminine but can be dominating at times but prefers to dress girly.
"That girls a fembo but she's cute"
Or "Your such a fembo"

"That girls a fembo but she's cute"
Or "Your such a fembo"

by Youlocalgenius March 20, 2014

3👍 6👎