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Fermin is a MAJOR cutie. He dresses nice & has a great taste in music. He’s extremely funny, creative and easy to get along with. Everyone loves him because of how cool he is :( Snacks on tortilla chips from time to time, but it’s cute. Anyways, It’s not very often you meet someone like him so it’s hard to stay away <3

Girl : Do you think Fermin is cute?

Girl 2 : Fuck yeah he’s a major cutie

by snottbubbless November 18, 2019

41👍 5👎


Someone who's being a bully.
Bullies everyone and anyone for no reason

Holy shit why was Sabrina being such a Fermin today?

by PenguinRaver August 29, 2012

26👍 52👎


Another way to say "super hairy".

"Hey want to see my hairy legs?"
"Yeah, let me see that Fermin you have growing"
"Oh my god! "

by dissmyknee October 24, 2013

19👍 40👎


Fermin.. A REALLY tall freak. A ladys man. Always gets the cuties. A playa at times but can have a deep conversation with anyone. Normally owns a nice camera. and a freak.

Girl: STFU.

by Marqie January 8, 2012

141👍 45👎


A Virgin, Someone who has never had sex, Or Someone who says they always have sex but you are a 100% sure they are lying.

Bro... Jerry said he was with 2 chicks yesterday. Wtf Nah dude hes the ferminator he's never been laid.

That guys a virgin fo sho. Dont say that outloud he's a ferminator.

by ANGEEZY February 10, 2008

11👍 18👎

dirty fermin

When you are sleeping and your buddy just got done finger banging a chick and wishing to share her crotch essence, rubs his stink fingers under your nose, waking you up.

I got a dirty fermin while passed out at the ski lodge in the mountains. That boo-boo's vag smelled sweet!

by MTF March 25, 2008

468👍 72👎

Niko fermin Tan

Niko fermin tan is a guy from St. Louis school of don Bosco in Dumaguete city and have so many friends but didn't get recruited in basketball intrams and thats all thank you

omg is that Niko fermin tan wow oh my god its really him

by November 7, 2023