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1. To be a real pimp.
2. To act "fly".
3. To come out cool from a difficult situation.

1. "Getting down with the ho's, the dawgs call me figueroa"
2. "I'm being figueroa in da club"
3. To pull a figueroa

by KFR June 2, 2005

287πŸ‘ 92πŸ‘Ž


The most prestigious clan of all time. Rulers of Godshit. Have 3 current members, Father God George, Holy Spirit Brad and Son Evan Godshit. Everyone who bears this last name has Godshit coursing through their veins.

Dude the Figueroa Clan means business. They’ve got Godshit everywhere!!

by ZachariahSaliva September 17, 2020

5πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

evan figueroa

King Godshit. Son of God George from the Figueroa Clan. Sibling of Holy Spirit Brad from the same clan. Everything he touches turns to Godshit. Can do no wrong. Insane at everything.

Did you see Evan Figueroa just now?! That guy has some major godshit!!

by ZachariahSaliva September 17, 2020

Figueroa Boa

A large penis made large by the continuous licking of a large boa snake on the penis head. In some instances the boa may in fact nibble on said penis' testes.

Dan's penis was benefited by a figueroa boa. He was glad.

by JBomb28 December 20, 2007

6πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

alyssa figueroa

Alyssa Figueroa is the strongest most beautifully girl you will meet, and once you meet her you should never let her go and treat her with your love. She is a down ass g and the best friend ever. Every time you see her she brightens your day with her gorgeous smile.She is so perfect this definition of her will never end with all the flaws of her. If you are reading this Alyssa Figueroa always remember you are perfect the way you are and I will never forget you

~ Saul Figueroa I will always love you

Alyssa Figueroa I will always love you

Love Saul Figueroa

by Sf3_saulino November 1, 2017

10πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Naydine Figueroa

Smart, Shy And Beautiful, She's always helpful and very nice she probably the best person you want to have in your life because she is so awesome

Dang, Naydine Figueroa is hella pretty

by iDriipy October 16, 2019

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Lisa Figueroa

Lisa is the coolest girl in the world. She is kind, smart, funny, and above all has impeccable music taste. She lights up a room with her warm and easygoing personality, and is the kind of girl you will never not have fun with. She has the right amount of sarcasm, wit, and banter to go toe to toe with even the best hecklers. She is a lot more badass and cool than she thinks she is, and needs to be reminded this from time to time. Although she finds herself bouncing between rocky relationships, her friends know that anyone would be lucky to even be around her. There is someone who likes her a lot but doesn't think she's interested and therefore doesn't want to ruin their friendship.

"Hey I just saw Lisa Figueroa the other day"
"Really! I heard she was studying the cocks of destruction"
"Yeah, she's really into it, I guess "
"Damn, she's really Livin Like Lisa"

by Peter Piper's Pickled Pecker September 27, 2022