Source Code

Fill er up

The term used to tell someone that they should deposit some more petrol in the tank of thier car if you are drugged to the eyballs

Person 1 says: Hey your tank is empty, maybe you should fill er up

Person 2 hears: <mumble> fill er up

by Pottsy2 September 6, 2008

25👍 17👎


When a man puts his penis into a girls anus and urinates.

She was running a little low, so I had to fill-er-up.

by manbeef November 9, 2004

21👍 42👎

Fill 'er Up

When having analingus with a lover... Urinate inside her...

Yeah so I totally pulled the Fill 'er Up on my lady friend.

by Nilam Nad June 20, 2006

5👍 31👎