Source Code

fill her up

when a man fills a woman's vagina with his penis

"hey, did you get some last night?"

"hell yea, i got to fill her up"

by rob, tiny tom, taran February 4, 2009

143👍 31👎

fill her up

When a man cums inside a women

"dude did you fill her up last night?!"

"Hell yea I did"

by flaflaflaaaaa November 25, 2015

68👍 13👎

fill her up

to impregnate a girl/woman

"i love her man. i think i wanna fill her up"

past tense: filled her up

by rob, tiny tom, taran February 4, 2009

60👍 28👎

Fill Her Up

Right after anal sex, when he releases his load in her ass leaving all his semen in her.

Be sure to fill her up tonight, if you know what I mean.

by Rudie Kuntz April 6, 2019

13👍 11👎

Filled her up with Air

When you fuck her so hard she took the breath right out of you

Oh ya baby you know I “filled her up with air” last night

by Pepper and Ham January 29, 2019

5👍 3👎

He filled up her pool

when a male ejaculates onto a females stomach and fills up her belly button.

Dude, last night him and his girl got it on, and he filled up her pool.

by Linny_AbAbY March 3, 2011

13👍 3👎