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a person who can make someone fall in love less than one day.
a strong guy with a baby in his heart.
excellent in memorize something and intelligent
even without knowing his appereance, a heart can flutter with his word.
someone just love him sincerely
she decided to have her heart stuck deep in this person

-ill wait for you,do make du'a-

firdaus tell that he hope for that girl to approach him before he left the girl

by your darling, December 9, 2020

54๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Firdaus comes from arabic word that means heaven. It closely the same meaning as The Eden. Whoever have this name must be very handsome,good-looking, descent, funny and beautiful inside out. In other words,Firdaus is just awesome! Whoever gets Firdaus as their love partner,must be real lucky.

Guy A: Oh my god,I just wanna be like Firdaus!
Girl B: I know right,Firdaus is just so awesome everyone wanna be him.
Girl A: Girl B,what you say if we have a threesome session with Firdaus? Must be real fun.
Girl B: Fo sho!

by FoxUniformCharlieKiloUniform June 14, 2010

525๐Ÿ‘ 87๐Ÿ‘Ž


a person who can make someone fall in love less than one day
a strong guy with a baby in his heart
he do memorize everything easily
even without knowing his appearance,a heart can flutter because of his words
someone just love him sincerely and decide to have her heart stuck deep in him in the future

-ill wait for you everyday,do make du'a-

"firdaus told that he was hoping for that girl before he left her"

by your darling, December 9, 2020

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


It's a girls name tooo

I named my daughter Firdaus.

by rsrsrsrsrssss March 20, 2021

24๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person with a lovely laughter. She is so pretty and has a wonderful smile. When she smiles at you you can't resist the urge to smile right back! Firdaus's are fuckboy searchers they know when a boy is a fuckboy. She also is a good friend and really cares about how you feel. If you have a Firdaus as a friend show her off cause Firdau's are amazing persons with amazing personalitys. They also can have a boy as her bestfriend which is really common. They are just awesome persons overall. Always treat your Firdaus right!

Person A: Thats Firdaus isn't she gorgeous?
Person B: Yes she is!

by Voalberg March 11, 2018

15๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


A crazy muthafucka who is awesome and insanely crazy.

Did you hear about the guy who ate an airplane? He must be a Firdaus.

by Oxnor November 24, 2013

100๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž


Fridaus comes from Arabic word that means heaven. It closely the same meaning as the Eden. A person with a lovely laugher. She is so pretty and has a wonderful smile. When she smiles at you you can't resist the urge to smile right back! Whoever have this name must be charming, looking- looking, descent, funny, calm, and beautiful inside out. She would never hurt a soul even if it meant hurting herself. Firdaus are amazing person with amazing personalitys. They are just awesome persons overall. Whoever get Firdaus as their love partner, must be real lucky. Be sure to keep a Firdaus in your life cuz she will be your human heaven.

Thats Firdaus isn't she gorgeous?

by Inaya zain November 22, 2021