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Freegans will eat any food product as long as it’s free. Some freegans do this because they don’t want to give money to food producers who harm animals, the environment, or workers. Other freegans simply believe that all the best things in life are free, and that free food from a friend is the next best thing to food freely given by the earth.

Someone is Freegan leaning if their preferred dietary option is free food.

by IronMikey March 18, 2023


Somebody who abstains from contributing to the economy and salvages society's wasted food and resources rather than purchase more themselves. Often pertains to a VEGAN (somebody who doesn't eat/wear animal products) who only makes exceptions when dealing with otherwise wasted items.

Tom taught me that as a freegan, he would much rather grab bagels out of the dumpster of a bakery instead of purchasing them himself, because he thinks it's a shame how much perfectly good bread places like that waste everyday.

by two-forty June 15, 2002

627πŸ‘ 173πŸ‘Ž


Someone that consumes a vegan diet except when animal-based food will be wasted if not consumed. Freegans often consume all types of food from dumpster diving as a means to alleviate waste and decrease their personal environmental impact and solar footprint.

Meuser is freegan - though he eats vegan at home, I've seen him eat whole ramekins of butter and mayonnaise that would otherwise be wasted after we've finished eating at Denver diner.

by Meuser December 16, 2008

87πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


Freegans: Stealing resources from homeless guys who actually need it since whenever the fuck they graduated from NYU.

Eric's parents were horrified when they learned that their prep school graduate son had become a freegan.

by cccarrie December 8, 2010

103πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž


A lifestyle dedicated to sourcing as many free goods and services as possible.

I'm sick of paying for everything! I'm converting to freeganism!

by asdeke December 15, 2008

26πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A Freegan is a person who, in reaction to the statistic that the west wastes 25% of all it's resources, get items from the trash that are perfectly good. It is often smelly, but hundreds of items can be found, perfectly fine, that otherwise would be wasted. Is often linked with environmentalism and activism. Often have regular jobs, but just eat out of trash.

Man, I met this guy and he was a Freegan. He was also an executive at this company. Serious, he was so loaded 'cause he doesn't buy food.

by bittg November 5, 2007

172πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž


Philosophy that promotes getting as much of one's food as possible from free sources.

"Your roomate is a freeganism"
( think about it..)

by aba March 28, 2005

29πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž