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(adj, n)

1.) A person who steals your French fries out of your bag or off of your tray.

2.) It can also refer to those fries that have fallen to the bottom of your bag.

1.) Kyle - -taking some of Mike's fries off of his tray-
Mike - "Dude, I paid for these. Stop being such a damn frier and go get your own"
Kyle - "Whoa, sorry, they're just fries"

2.) Katie - -sifting through her boyfriends Wendy's bag for fries at the bottom-
Joe - "Hey, babe, I love ya but you're being a frier... stop taking my fries and next time, buy your own."

by back_2_the_river_aras May 14, 2007

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(adj, n)

1.) A person who steals your French fries out of your bag or off of your tray.

2.) It can also refer to those fries that have fallen to the bottom of your bag.

1.) Kyle - -taking some of Mike's fries off of his tray-
Mike - "Dude, I paid for these. Stop being such a damn frier and go get your own"
Kyle - "Whoa, sorry, they're just fries"

2.) Katie - -sifting through her boyfriends Wendy's bag for fries at the bottom-
Joe - "Hey, babe, I love ya but you're being a frier... stop taking my fries and next time, buy your own."

by back_2_the_river_aras May 14, 2007

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1.) (Pronounced like friend but with an R instead of an nd) A male friend syn.: Friends, (obsolete except in some dialects) boyfriend
2) misspelling of fryer
3) (adj, n) someone who steals your French Fries (Brit. chips) out of your bag or off your tray. (Def 1 by back_2_the_river_aras posted on May 14th, 2007.
3b) can also refer to those fries that have fallen to the bottom of your bag (see def 2 by back_2_the_river_aras posted on May 14th, 2007)
4) when you are so fried and tired at once and don't know who or what in the world you are. (See friered by BockBockBock February 7th, 2021)

Johnny is the frier of Samantha.
Oh man, I'm friered

by Master of beargreen August 5, 2023


An amazing, unique person!! Always there for you and very understanding. The prettiest girl you have ever met!! Brave, talented and a stunner! Great at singing and loves cats! Faced with challenges but she can overcome them all. The best friend you'll ever have. If you know a Friere, don't let her get away!!

Guy 1: Wow who's that gorgeous girl?
Guy 2: Oh, that's Friere, she's amazing isn't she?
Guy1: Totally, I'm going to ask her out

by IloveFrierexox September 13, 2017

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Chinatown Deep frier

A mixture of bacon grease, smashed rice cake, semen, and applesauce. It is unknown if CDF is safe to consume, but it is surely unhealthy. Can be abbreviated as CDF. This term originated from the Midwestern United States.

Tom: "Did you hear Tina ate a Chinatown Deep frier?"
Peter: "Yeah, she's fucking disgusting."

by Kangar17 October 21, 2013

Ashleigh Frier

The biggest whore you could ever meet

She always tries to steal your guys but never succeeds

She is a very easy girl to get in bed with

Watch out for Ashleigh Frier ! She's a whore

by Pussylovers August 3, 2016

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When you’re so fried and tired at once and don’t know who or what the fuck you are.

β€œI’m so tired and friered, I’m just fried....lol”

by BockBockBock February 7, 2021