Source Code


Abbreviation of freaking.
Slang for fucking.

You are friking idiot.

by puna piksla December 6, 2016

19👍 10👎


A cross between "Friend" and "like" as in facebook Like pages. Used to replace "fans" when Facebook went from "Fans" to "Likes"

Wow. We've reached 300 frikes on my page. When we reach 350 we'll have a special give-away!

by The fabulous Ninjakitty May 31, 2010

62👍 9👎


A freak on a bike ..

Look at that Matt Grindrod on his push iron .. He's a real fucking Frike

by PiffChuck July 16, 2003

12👍 25👎


a frightening looking lesbien

oh my god here comes that frike!

by M>RM July 17, 2003

9👍 31👎


IE. Broken/Fractured.

OH man, damn that is so friked.

by Jargy September 3, 2020