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a mainly residential area in south west london. the only place in london where house prices have fallen in the last 2 years. popular with tramps.

"hey geoff, let's move off the streets into fulham, we can afford a house there and it's right next to putney!"

by XFACTOR27 April 26, 2007

255๐Ÿ‘ 77๐Ÿ‘Ž


A town full of retards
Have Got a football team made up of wasters
Most Fulham fans are under 5 years old
Best saying to a Fulham fan is ( where were you when you were shit)

Flats on the cottage

I feel like a Jimmy Hill , ex fulham chairman

A wank

by m.a.f August 25, 2009

273๐Ÿ‘ 159๐Ÿ‘Ž


The best football club in England. Also the area of London where a team called Chelsea play football, although their real name is A Small Team From Fulham. (See also cunts.)

- Where do you live?
- Fulham.
- Who do you support?
- Who do you think?
- Chelsea?
- Do I look like a cunt?

by PaDdington May 31, 2004

313๐Ÿ‘ 264๐Ÿ‘Ž


The best football club in London.

We are Fulham, Super Fulham, We are Fulham, f*ck Chelsea!

by KRHimself December 6, 2003

252๐Ÿ‘ 195๐Ÿ‘Ž


The phrase "You've been Fulhamed" refers to a man being under full spell of a woman's vagina. Many men have fallen under this dark spell, with their souls trapped in a chamber of vaginal secrets. Old folklore has it that lumps of 'Turf' also attract this foul witch.

You've been Fulhamed

by Buster10 July 20, 2017

Fulham Pound

A ยฃ2 coin. The smallest unit of change carried by a Fulham resident.

Alex: This homeless guy in Fulham just asked me for change!

Person 2: Did you help him out?

Alex: Haha, as if I had anything smaller than a Fulham Pound.

Person 2: Dude, it's January...

Alex: Haha, I hate the poor. Rah.

by Iain1285 October 28, 2010

19๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fulham Fan

A group of individuals who meet in west London to see FULHAM FC play football matches. They are known to wear tartan scarfs, sip tea, and frantically use their notorious โ€˜clappersโ€™ to boost their teams performance. However, they are known to voice their opinion on online blogs and refrain from violence with other clubs.

A really nice woman helped me cross the road today!
She was probably a Fulham fan.

Everyone is friends with a Fulham Fan

by Jack Wilshere T City December 25, 2019